Cpptraj is a useful data analysis tool for AMBER simulations. Detailed information about it can be found in the AMBER manual. Cpptraj can be used to strip the waters from the simulation and autoimage (center) the protein.

Since cpptraj is a program in AMBER, to run it, you would use a command like:

$ $AMBERHOME/bin/cpptraj -p WT_protein_system_wat.prmtop -i cpptraj_strip.in

The -p flag specifies that a prmtop file is being read in, and the -i flag specifies your input file. Using cpptraj in this manner is known as using it in batch mode.

You can also run cpptraj without an input file. In that case, you would start with either

$ AMBERHOME/bin/cpptraj
cpptraj > parm WT_protein_system_wat.prmtop


$ $AMBERHOME/bin/cpptraj -p WT_protein_system_wat.prmtop

and follow through the list of commands line-by-line from your input file. Using cpptraj in this manner is helpful when trying to test analysis commands (because cpptraj is… finicky and the syntax can be easily messed up).

The following is an example input file which would strip and autoimage the first five trajectory files (with the mdcrd extension; this could also be nc depending on your scripted commands) and then write out a comprehensive NetCDF file with the information of the five trajectory files (i.e cpptraj_strip.in).


reference WT_protein_system_wat_init0.rst
trajin WT_protein_system_wat_md1.mdcrd
trajin WT_protein_system_wat_md2.mdcrd
trajin WT_protein_system_wat_md3.mdcrd
trajin WT_protein_system_wat_md4.mdcrd
trajin WT_protein_system_wat_md5.mdcrd

strip :WAT,K+

trajout WT_protein_system_1-5.nc cdf

It is important to note that if your system originally included waters that the strip command you use should be like strip :WAT,K+ outprefix strip nobox. The outprefix strip nobox part writes a new parmtop file that, following the current example naming scheme, would be strip.WT_protein_system_wat.prmtop. Without this part of the command, you’ll need to use parmed to strip the topology file, so that your imaged trajectory doesn’t look like an angry sea urchin in VMD.

Now that a simulation has been processed, cpptraj can be used to gather a lot of different trajectory information, such as hydrogen bonds, normal modes, distance between residues, root mean square deviation (RMSD), and root mean square fluctuations (RMSF).

The command used to run cpptraj now should use a stripped prmtop file, which would have been the prmtop that you saved prior to solvation (or the newly created stripped prmtop).

$ AMBERHOME/bin/cpptraj -p WT_protein_system_vac.prmtop -i cpptraj_analysis.in

An example incorporating several types of analysis is cpptraj_analysis.in.


trajin WT_protein_system_1-5.nc


rms first out test_rms.dat :1-476 byres

## For correlation matrix
matrix out WT_protein_system_matrix_correl.dat name corr_mat \
 byres :1-476 correl

## For normal modes (evecs = eigenvectors)
matrix out WT_protein_system_covar_mat.dat name norm_mode :1-476@CA,P,C4',C2 covar
diagmatrix norm_mode out WT_protein_system_evecs.out vecs 100 reduce \
 nmwiz nmwizvecs 100 nmwizfile WT_protein_system_100.nmd nmwizmask :1-476@CA,P,C4',C2

hbond out WT_protein_system_hbond.dat dist 3.0 avgout \

rms first out WT_protein_system_total_bb_rms.dat :1-476@CA,P,O3',O5',C3',C4',C5'

rmsd :1-476 first perres perresavg range 1-476 perresout \

atomicfluct :1-476 out WT_protein_system_rmsf_byres.dat byres

distance :476@PA :457@O3' out dist_PO_WT_protein_system.dat

The :1-476 atom mask is specifying that these processes are run on all of the 476 system residues. hbond extracts out the time hydrogen binds are present, rmsd finds the RMSD (shocker!), atomicfluct finds the RMSF, and dist determines the distance between two specified atoms throughout the simulation. The \ symbols signify a line continuation for those specific commands.