In an effort to quickly generate the EDA plots based on data that has already been used in previous steps, was written. This script generates the files needed for difference images for by-residue data that has been processed using and using the associated paste command to create a combined data file.


## Define variables
## f will name your files, RESA is the first residue name, RESB is the second residue name
## g and h are dependent on the columns that the energy was found in the combined data used
## after doing "paste" on data files
g=3 #Column with WT energy
h=7 #Column with MUT A energy

## Coul
## Set up the information for Chimera
## Note: attribute cannot start with a capital letter
echo "#SYSTEM${RESA}SYSTEM${RESB}" > ${f}_EDA_coul_chimera.txt
echo "attribute: system${RESA}${RESB}coul" >> ${f}_EDA_coul_chimera.txt
echo "match mode: 1-to-1" >> ${f}_EDA_coul_chimera.txt
echo "recipient: residues" >> ${f}_EDA_coul_chimera.txt

## This will print the residue number ($2) and the difference in energy for $g and $h (specified above)
awk -v g=$g -v h=$h '{printf "\t:%-3s\t%-22s\n", $2, ($g - $h)}' combodata-coul-WT-res436.dat >> ${f}_EDA_coul_chimera.txt

## VDW
echo "#SYSTEM${RESA}SYSTEM${RESB}" > ${f}_EDA_vdw_chimera.txt
echo "attribute: system${RESA}${RESB}vdw" >> ${f}_EDA_vdw_chimera.txt
echo "match mode: 1-to-1" >> ${f}_EDA_vdw_chimera.txt
echo "recipient: residues" >> ${f}_EDA_vdw_chimera.txt

awk -v g=$g -v h=$h '{printf "\t:%-3s\t%-22s\n", $2, ($g - $h)}' combodata-vdw-WT-res436.dat >> ${f}_EDA_vdw_chimera.txt