The following script can be used to get the difference between two systems that
have already been averaged with
## Run this with "Rscript rmagic.r"
## (Assuming you've already installed R...)
#--Specify the paths to the Files from
## This script has been pre-built for 2 systems with 3 replicates
## More or less than 3 reps (up to 5) can be achieved through
## Commenting or uncommenting
## Paths to the -tot- files
## Set A (system 1)
infileACV <- Sys.glob("/absolute/path/to/the/analysis/files/for/WT-System-A/systemA_EDA_tot_avg-clean.txt")
##Set B (system 2)
infileBCV <- Sys.glob("/absolute/path/to/the/analysis/files/for/WT-System-B/systemB_EDA_tot_avg.txt")
#--Define your outfile names--#
## A - B
TOTAB <- "WT_sysA-sysB_total_interaction_res123_avg.dat"
## This is the residue of interest
X_val <- "123"
#---------Behind the Curtain: No Need to Modify Past This Line---------#
## Use the data tables package to read in data frames
## Remove comment to install locally
## Use the abind package to combine data frames
## Remove comment to install locally
## Turn off scientific notation
options(scipen = 999)
#--Begin with COUL--#
## Reading each file as a data.table.
## Bonus - fread is much faster than read.csv
combineACV <- fread(infileACV, header=TRUE)
colnames(combineACV) <- c("R1", "R2", "TotAvg", "TotStdD")
combineBCV <- fread(infileBCV, header=TRUE)
colnames(combineBCV) <- c("R1", "R2", "TotAvg", "TotStdD")
## Redefine as a data frame
combineACV <-
combineBCV <-
## They're not numbers, so make them numbers
combineACV$TotAvg <- as.numeric(as.character(combineACV$TotAvg))
combineACV$TotStdD <- as.numeric(as.character(combineACV$TotStdD))
combineBCV$TotAvg <- as.numeric(as.character(combineBCV$TotAvg))
combineBCV$TotStdD <- as.numeric(as.character(combineBCV$TotStdD))
## Combine A res numbers, tot average, tot average, tot stdev, tot stev
combineTotCV <- abind(combineACV[,1:3], combineBCV[,3], combineACV[,4], combineBCV[,4], along=2)
## Rename the columns
colnames(combineTotCV) <- c("R1", "R2", "ATotalE", "BTotalE", "AAvgStd", "BAvgStd")
## Redefine as a data frame
combineTotCV <-
## If the R1 column doesn't equal X_val, use R1. Else, use R2.
combineTotCV$Residue <- ifelse((combineTotCV$R1 != X_val), as.numeric(as.character(combineTotCV$R1)), as.numeric(as.character(combineTotCV$R2)))
## They're not numbers, so make them numbers
combineTotCV$ATotalE <- as.numeric(as.character(combineTotCV$ATotalE))
combineTotCV$BTotalE <- as.numeric(as.character(combineTotCV$BTotalE))
combineTotCV$AAvgStd <- as.numeric(as.character(combineTotCV$AAvgStd))
combineTotCV$BAvgStd <- as.numeric(as.character(combineTotCV$BAvgStd))
## Multiply B * -1
combineTotCV$BTotalE <- (combineTotCV$BTotalE*(-1.0000000000))
combineTotCV$DiffE <- rowSums(combineTotCV[, c("ATotalE", "BTotalE")])
## Get the Avg Stdev
combineTotCV$AvgSTDEV <- rowMeans(combineTotCV[,5:6])
## Create a new variable with just Residue, DiffE, and AvgSTDEV
save_cols_total_CV <- combineTotCV[,c("Residue", "DiffE", "AvgSTDEV")]
## Limit to 8 sig figs after decimal
save_cols_clean_total_CV <- format(save_cols_total_CV, digits=8)
## Explicitly remove the two residues matched next to the residue of interest
## This is because it's more than interaction energy (stuff like bond E too)
## (Note: | is the or operator)
#save_cols_clean_total_CV <- save_cols_clean_total_CV[!(save_cols_clean_total_CV$Residue == as.numeric(X_val)+1 | #save_cols_clean_total_CV$Residue == as.numeric(X_val)-1),]
#--------------------------TOT OUTFILES-------------------------------#
## Now write a tab-delimited outfile!
## Don't care about the index rownames because that's the frame
#write.table(save_cols_clean_total_CV, file = TOTAB, sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
## Write a whitespace-delimited outfile!
sink(TOTAB, type=c("output"))
print(save_cols_clean_total_CV, row.names=FALSE)