As mentioned earlier, R is a programming language that is often used for data processing and statistics. The following script has been created to process through replicate EDA data and obtain the averages for a system.


## Run this with "Rscript rmagic-EDA-avg.r"
## (Assuming you've already installed R...)

#--Specify the paths to the Files from EDA--#

## This script has been pre-built for a system with 3 replicates
## More or less than 3 reps (up to 5) can be achieved through
## Commenting or uncommenting

## Paths to the fort.803 (Coul) files
## Set A (system A)
infile1Ac <- Sys.glob("/absolute/path/to/the/analysis/files/for/WT-System-1/fort.803")
infile2Ac <- Sys.glob("/absolute/path/to/the/analysis/files/for/WT-System-2/fort.803")
infile3Ac <- Sys.glob("/absolute/path/to/the/analysis/files/for/WT-System-3/fort.803")
##infile4Ac <- Sys.glob("/absolute/path/to/the/analysis/files/for/WT-System-4/fort.803")
##infile5Ac <- Sys.glob("/absolute/path/to/the/analysis/files/for/WT-System-5/fort.803")

## Paths to the fort.806 (VdW) files
## Set A (system A)
infile1Av <- Sys.glob("/absolute/path/to/the/analysis/files/for/WT-System-1/fort.806")
infile2Av <- Sys.glob("/absolute/path/to/the/analysis/files/for/WT-System-2/fort.806")
infile3Av <- Sys.glob("/absolute/path/to/the/analysis/files/for/WT-System-3/fort.806")
##infile4Av <- Sys.glob("/absolute/path/to/the/analysis/files/for/WT-System-4/fort.806")
##infile5Av <- Sys.glob("/absolute/path/to/the/analysis/files/for/WT-System-5/fort.806")

#--Define your outfile names--#

## A is for infiles labeled A
## Each system gets an averaged file
## Have one for Coulomb, one for vdW, and one for Coul+vdW (total)

A_coul <- "/absolute/path/to/the/avgeraging/output/WT_protein_system_EDA_resX_coul_avg.dat"
A_vdw <- "/absolute/path/to/the/avgeraging/output/WT_protein_system_EDA_resX_vdw_avg.dat"
A_tot <- "/absolute/path/to/the/avgeraging/output/WT_protein_system_EDA_resX_tot_avg.dat"

## Residue of interest (A matched with B, which matches do you care about?) (use 4 after decimal)
## Ex. If mutant is residue 100, this would be 100
## This script will remove the matches directly surrounding ROI for you
## Which is good because by not being just Coul and vdW, they're too dominant
ROI <- 100

## How many data sets to add (use 4 after decimal)
sets <- 3.0000
#sets <- 5.0000

#---------Behind the Curtain: No Need to Modify Past This Line---------#

## Use the data tables package to read in data frames
## Remove comment to install locally

## Use the tidyverse package to perform string replacement
## Remove comment to install locally

## Turn off scientific notation
options(scipen = 999)

#--Read in Coul EDA Scripts--#

## First line of file is number of frames used for EDA
## This is skipped by R's fread by default to avoid
## Irregular header information

## Reading each file as a data.table.
## Bonus - fread is much faster than read.csv
read1Ac <- fread(infile1Ac, header=FALSE)
read2Ac <- fread(infile2Ac, header=FALSE)
read3Ac <- fread(infile3Ac, header=FALSE)
#read4Ac <- fread(infile4Ac, header=FALSE)
#read5Ac <- fread(infile5Ac, header=FALSE)

colnames(read1Ac) <- c("Index", "ResidueA", "ResidueB", "Coulomb", "StdErr")
colnames(read2Ac) <- c("Index", "ResidueA", "ResidueB", "Coulomb", "StdErr")
colnames(read3Ac) <- c("Index", "ResidueA", "ResidueB", "Coulomb", "StdErr")
#colnames(read4Ac) <- c("Index", "ResidueA", "ResidueB", "Coulomb", "StdErr")
#colnames(read5Ac) <- c("Index", "ResidueA", "ResidueB", "Coulomb", "StdErr")

## Combine all the datasets into 1
bound <- rbind(read1Ac, read2Ac, read3Ac)
#bound <- rbind(read1Ac, read2Ac, read3Ac, read4Ac, read5Ac)

## Add in a blank row of the match for future plotting needs
extra <- data.frame(0, ROI, ROI, 0, 0)
bound <- rbind(bound, setNames(extra, names(read1Ac)))

#bound$Index <- as.numeric(bound$Index)
bound$Index <- as.numeric(bound$Index)
bound$ResidueA <- as.numeric(bound$ResidueA)
bound$ResidueB <- as.numeric(bound$ResidueB)
bound$Coulomb <- as.numeric(bound$Coulomb)
bound$StdErr <- as.numeric(bound$StdErr)

## Collapse repeat lines into themselves (i.e. add numbers together)
superbound_avg <- aggregate(data=bound, cbind(Coulomb,StdErr)~ResidueA+ResidueB, FUN=sum)
superbound_sd <- aggregate(data=bound, cbind(Coulomb,StdErr)~ResidueA+ResidueB, FUN=sd)

## Get average based on number of sets combined [This if for 3]
superbound_avg$AvgCoulomb <- format(superbound_avg$Coulomb / sets, digits=4, format="f")
superbound_avg$AvgCoulombSD <- format(superbound_sd$Coulomb / sets, digits=4, format="f")

## If you for some reason care about StdErr, then you'd uncomment this
## Yes, it's weird that StdErr has a SD, but that's just a sanity thing
#superbound_avg$AvgStdErr <- format(superbound_avg$StdErr / sets, digits=4, format="f")
#superbound_avg$AvgStdErrSD <- format(superbound_sd$StdErr / sets, digits=4, format="f")

save_cols_Ac <- superbound_avg[,c("ResidueA", "ResidueB", "AvgCoulomb", "AvgCoulombSD")]
#save_cols_Ac <- superbound_avg[,c("ResidueA", "ResidueB", "AvgCoulomb", "AvgCoulombSD", "AvgStdErr", "AvgStdErrSD")]

only_ROI_rows_Ac <- filter(save_cols_Ac, ResidueA == ROI | ResidueB == ROI)

## Change the NA from standard deviation to 0
only_ROI_rows_Ac[(ROI),4] <- 0

## Create a copy of the parsed data to format
clean_rows_Ac <- data.frame(only_ROI_rows_Ac)

## Pattern searching converted it to a character string, so back to numeric
clean_rows_Ac$AvgCoulomb <- as.numeric(clean_rows_Ac$AvgCoulomb)
clean_rows_Ac$AvgCoulombSD <- as.numeric(clean_rows_Ac$AvgCoulombSD)

## Limit to 4 sig figs after decimal
clean_rows_Ac$AvgCoulomb <- formatC(clean_rows_Ac$AvgCoulomb, digits=4, format="f")
clean_rows_Ac$AvgCoulombSD <- formatC(clean_rows_Ac$AvgCoulombSD, digits=4, format="f")

## Set the two residues surrounding the ROI to zero
## This is because energy is overpowering due to other energy terms
## So if ROI=100, you remove matches between 99 & 100 as well as 100 & 101
if (ROI != 1) {clean_rows_Ac[(ROI-1),3] <- 0
clean_rows_Ac[(ROI-1),4] <- 0
clean_rows_Ac[(ROI+1),3] <- 0
clean_rows_Ac[(ROI+1),4] <- 0

#---------------------------COUL OUTFILE-----------------------#

## Now write a tab-delimited outfile!
## Don't care about the index rownames
#write.table(clean_rows_Ac, file = A_coul, sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)

## Write a whitespace-delimited outfile!
sink(A_coul, type=c("output"))
print(clean_rows_Ac, row.names=FALSE)

#--Read in VDW EDA Scripts--#

## First line of file is number of frames used for EDA
## This is skipped by R's fread by default to avoid
## Irregular header information

## Reading each file as a data.table.
## Bonus - fread is much faster than read.csv
read1Av <- fread(infile1Av, header=FALSE)
read2Av <- fread(infile2Av, header=FALSE)
read3Av <- fread(infile3Av, header=FALSE)
#read4Av <- fread(infile4Av, header=FALSE)
#read5Av <- fread(infile5Av, header=FALSE)

colnames(read1Av) <- c("Index", "ResidueA", "ResidueB", "VdW", "StdErr")
colnames(read2Av) <- c("Index", "ResidueA", "ResidueB", "VdW", "StdErr")
colnames(read3Av) <- c("Index", "ResidueA", "ResidueB", "VdW", "StdErr")
#colnames(read4Av) <- c("Index", "ResidueA", "ResidueB", "VdW", "StdErr")
#colnames(read5Av) <- c("Index", "ResidueA", "ResidueB", "VdW", "StdErr")

## Combine all the datasets into 1
bound <- rbind(read1Av, read2Av, read3Av)
#bound <- rbind(read1Av, read2Av, read3Av, read4Av, read5Av)

## Add in a blank row of the match for future plotting needs
extra <- data.frame(0, ROI, ROI, 0, 0)
bound <- rbind(bound, setNames(extra, names(read1Av)))

#bound$Index <- as.numeric(bound$Index)
bound$Index <- as.numeric(bound$Index)
bound$ResidueA <- as.numeric(bound$ResidueA)
bound$ResidueB <- as.numeric(bound$ResidueB)
bound$VdW <- as.numeric(bound$VdW)
bound$StdErr <- as.numeric(bound$StdErr)

## Collapse repeat lines into themselves (i.e. add numbers together)
superbound_avg <- aggregate(data=bound, cbind(VdW,StdErr)~ResidueA+ResidueB, FUN=sum)
superbound_sd <- aggregate(data=bound, cbind(VdW,StdErr)~ResidueA+ResidueB, FUN=sd)

## Get average based on number of sets combined [This if for 3]
superbound_avg$AvgVdW <- format(superbound_avg$VdW / sets, digits=4, format="f")
superbound_avg$AvgVdWSD <- format(superbound_sd$VdW / sets, digits=4, format="f")

## If you for some reason care about StdErr, then you'd uncomment this
## Yes, it's weird that StdErr has a SD, but that's just a sanity thing
#superbound_avg$AvgStdErr <- format(superbound_avg$StdErr / sets, digits=4, format="f")
#superbound_avg$AvgStdErrSD <- format(superbound_sd$StdErr / sets, digits=4, format="f")

save_cols_Av <- superbound_avg[,c("ResidueA", "ResidueB", "AvgVdW", "AvgVdWSD")]
#save_cols_Av <- superbound_avg[,c("ResidueA", "ResidueB", "AvgVdW", "AvgVdWSD", "AvgStdErr", "AvgStdErrSD")]

only_ROI_rows_Av <- filter(save_cols_Av, ResidueA == ROI | ResidueB == ROI)

## Change the NA from standard deviation to 0
only_ROI_rows_Av[(ROI),4] <- 0

## Create a copy of the parsed data to format
clean_rows_Av <- data.frame(only_ROI_rows_Av)

## Pattern searching converted it to a character string, so back to numeric
clean_rows_Av$AvgVdW <- as.numeric(clean_rows_Av$AvgVdW)
clean_rows_Av$AvgVdWSD <- as.numeric(clean_rows_Av$AvgVdWSD)

## Limit to 4 sig figs after decimal
clean_rows_Av$AvgVdW <- formatC(clean_rows_Av$AvgVdW, digits=4, format="f")
clean_rows_Av$AvgVdWSD <- formatC(clean_rows_Av$AvgVdWSD, digits=4, format="f")

## Set the two residues surrounding the ROI to zero
## This is because energy is overpowering due to other energy terms
## So if ROI=100, you remove matches between 99 & 100 as well as 100 & 101
if (ROI != 1) {clean_rows_Av[(ROI-1),3] <- 0
clean_rows_Av[(ROI-1),4] <- 0
clean_rows_Av[(ROI+1),3] <- 0
clean_rows_Av[(ROI+1),4] <- 0

#-------------------------VDW OUTFILES-------------------------#

## Now write a tab-delimited outfile!
## Don't care about the index rownames
#write.table(clean_rows_Av, file = A_vdw, sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)

## Write a whitespace-delimited outfile!
sink(A_vdw, type=c("output"))
print(clean_rows_Av, row.names=FALSE)

#--Create the TOTAL (Coul + vdW) files--#

## Combine into one dataset
## Use all columns from _Ac and the VdW and VdWSD columns from _Av
## Note: this makes it a matrix
combine_Acv = cbind(clean_rows_Ac, clean_rows_Av[,3:4])

## Formatting the rows converted it to a character string, so back to numeric again!
combine_Acv$AvgCoulomb <- as.numeric(combine_Acv$AvgCoulomb)
combine_Acv$AvgCoulombSD <- as.numeric(combine_Acv$AvgCoulombSD)
combine_Acv$AvgVdW <- as.numeric(combine_Acv$AvgVdW)
combine_Acv$AvgVdWSD <- as.numeric(combine_Acv$AvgVdWSD)

## Your data are now ResidueA ResidueB AvgCoul AvgCoulSD AvgVdW AvgVdWSD
## Append a column called AvgIntTot thats the sum of AvgCoul and AvgVdW
combine_Acv$AvgIntTot <- (combine_Acv$AvgCoulomb + combine_Acv$AvgVdW)

## Now append a column that's the avg standard deviation
combine_Acv$AvgStdDev <- (combine_Acv$AvgCoulombSD + combine_Acv$AvgVdWSD) / 2

## Create a new variable that's just ResidueA ResidueB AvgIntTot AvgStdDev
save_cols_tot <- combine_Acv[,c("ResidueA", "ResidueB", "AvgIntTot", "AvgStdDev")]

## Sanity Check!
## Set the two residues surrounding the ROI to zero
## This is because energy is overpowering due to other energy terms
## So if ROI=100, you remove matches between 99 & 100 as well as 100 & 101
if (ROI != 1) {save_cols_tot[(ROI-1),3] <- 0
save_cols_tot[(ROI-1),4] <- 0
save_cols_tot[(ROI+1),3] <- 0
save_cols_tot[(ROI+1),4] <- 0

#--------------------TOTAL INTERACTION OUTFILES--------------------#

## Now write a tab-delimited outfile!
## Don't care about the index rownames
#write.table(save_cols_tot, file = A_tot, sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)

## Write a whitespace-delimited outfile!
sink(A_tot, type=c("output"))
print(save_cols_tot, row.names=FALSE)