First, install Tinker7 on your machine from the Tinker website. While Tinker8 has been released, the use of the analyze command is different than in Tinker7, and will make generating the frozen atoms list more difficult.

Converting the TINKER XYZ with LICHEM

Once you have a Tinker XYZ file, create a param.key file that contains only the line with the requisite Tinker force field information. It should look something like:

parameters amber99.prm

Now, use LICHEM to convert these to the necessary format.

lichem -convert -t -k param.key > conversion-1.log

This conversion created several new files: regions.inp, connect.inp, and

The original regions file looks like this:

QM_atoms: 0
Pseudobond_atoms: 0
Boundary_atoms: 0
Frozen_atoms: 0

In this file, list the QM_atoms, Pseudobond_atoms, and Frozen_atoms. This definition includes the keyword, then the number of total atoms in that category, followed by each individual index number of the atoms in that category. This indexing starts with the first atom being 0–the same as VMD’s indexing, but not the same as the Tinker XYZ file.

For example, a system with 5 QM atoms would look like:

QM_atoms: 5
101 107 110 591 3822

Once defined, save the regions.inp and create a backup (e.g., qm_list.txt) so that you do not lose this information in the future.

Generate List of “Active” Atoms

Once the QM, boundary, and pseudobond atoms have been defined, the list of frozen atoms needs to be generated. This is done by specifying a sphere around a specific atom. Tinker7 can generate this list, but it needs some specific information in the key file.

The get-active.key:

parameters amber99sb.prm
sphere 3822 15

The get-active.key file starts with the specific parameter file that corresponds to the XYZ. Charge-charge interaction distances are addressed through neutral-groups, and debug prints the detailed information that contains the active atoms. Finally, the sphere line specifies the atom number in the Tinker XYZ (i.e., the atom in the XYZ file here we want is 3822) and the size of the sphere in angstroms.

While we’re generating keys, copy the param.key file as active_tinker.key. This will be used after the analyze step.

$ cp param.key active_tinker.key

Once those keys are written, run analyze with Tinker7 and the get-active.key to get the list.

analyze -key get-active.key
> active atoms 1835

You can exit the program after it prints the first set of information. All you need is the list of active atoms that is printed initially ( List of Active Atoms for Energy Calculations :) Copy that list into the previously created active_tinker.key file after the parameter line.

Each of these lines needs to be specified as active for TINKER. This can be accomplished by using sed to edit the file. These lines with remove the tabs and then start each line with active.

$ sed -i -e 's/[ \t]*//' active_tinker.key
$ sed -i 's/^/active /' active_tinker.key

After using sed, edit the active_tinker.key file to remove the active on the parameters line.

Now, use this to add the frozen atoms to the regions file.

lichem -convert -t -k active_tinker.key > conversion-2.log

After the frozen atoms have been added to the regions file, re-add the list of QM, boundary, and pseudobond atoms. The boundary atoms also need to be repeated in the Frozen_atoms section. So, if the new regions.inp file contains 100 frozen atoms, and you specify 2 boundary atoms, you need to change it to 102 frozen atoms and add those 2 boundary atoms to the long list.

Add Keywords to the Regions File

It is now time to add the LICHEM-specific keywords. An example of some are listed below:

Potential_type: QMMM
QM_type: Gaussian
QM_method: B3LYP
QM_basis: GEN
QM_memory: 80 GB
QM_charge: -5
QM_spin: 2
Electrostatics: CHARGES
Calculation_type: DFP
Opt_stepsize: 1.00
Max_stepsize: 0.10
QM_opt_tolerance: 1e-3
MM_opt_tolerance: 1e-1
Max_opt_steps: 50
Init_path_chk: No
PBC: Yes
Box_size: 81.865 102.353 92.1
Use_LREC: Yes
LREC_cut: 25.0
Use_Ewald: Yes
Keep_files: Yes

The Calculation_type of DFP performs a Davidon-Fletcher-Powell optimization. It is recommended that the system first be tested using SP (for single-point) and ensuring that the energy is negative before continuing with DFP. Doing this first can help to debug problems that would arise in the longer calculation.

Using GEN for QM_basis means that the basis set information will be described in a separate file (named BASIS and described later).

The box_size information is system-specific. If you do not know your box size, and it was converted from an AMBER PDB, you can find that using Python as shown in the following code.

>>> import parmed as pmd
>>> pdb = pmd.load_file(my_original_system.pdb)
>>> pdb.get_box()
array([[81.865, 102.353, 92.1, 90., 90., 90. ]])

For this, the first three numbers, BoxX, BoxY, and BoxZ are used (NOT alpha, beta, and gamma).

Generate BASIS File

As mentioned, a BASIS file contains all of the basis set information to be used with Gaussian. LICHEM can generate this file with:

lichem -convert -b regions.inp

For the BASIS file, the numbers are based on the numerical order of what is listed in QM and pseudobonds sections of regions.inp. This means that if you have numbers 1123 1433 1353 listed in different places in the file, 1123 = 1, 1353 = 2, and 1433 = 3. As long as the referenced number is correct, you can mix and match each line (ex: 1 3 5 for 6-31G & 2 4 6 7 8 for 6-31+G**).

The format for the file looks like:

#1 #2 #3__0

There are 2 spaces between the last number and the zero.

Some examples of basis sets to put in the place of GEN include:

  • STO-3G
    • STO-3G*
  • 3-21G
  • 3-21+G
    • 3-21+G*
    • 3-21+G**
  • 6-31G
    • 6-31G*
    • 6-31G**
  • 6-31++G
    • 6-31++G*
    • 6-31++G**
  • 6-311G
  • 6-311+G
  • 6-311++G

You’ll likely have to benchmark these for your system, as well as read the literature for the things that tend to work well for your system.

The pseudopotential information (for the pseudobonds) is listed at the end. The following uses fluorine for atoms 1, 8, 15, and 25.

1 8 15 25 0 STO-2G
SP 2 1.00
0.9034 1.00 1.00
0.21310 1.90904 0.57864

1 8 15 25 0
try1 1 2
S Component
1 7.75 16.49
1 1.0 0.0

Running LICHEM

After the BASIS file has been written, LICHEM can now be run with Gaussian and TINKER. The following command will use 20 processors to do so.

## -n number of processors
## -x input xyz
## -c connectivity file
## -r regions file
## -o output xyz file
## -l output log file
lichem -n 20 -x -c connect.inp -r regions.inp -o -l system_out.log

Despite only listing, connect.inp, and regions.inp, LICHEM will look for other program-specific files including BASIS and tinker.key. These files must be named accordingly.


There are a number of log files that are saved with a LICHEM job. An error could be documented in one of them, but not all of them, so it is important to look through them thoroughly. To put this another way, if it fails in one program, it will try to continue in another program, and errors may be in one log, but not the other. In a perfect world, you’ll get convergence in the QM, normal termination in the MM, and a complete optimization for QM/MM.

Bad Box Information

When using LICHEM with periodic boundary conditions, the box size is given in the regions.inp file. However, if that box information is incorrect, the QM region may not converge because of it literally being spread across the box. The final XYZ generated by LICHEM will visibly look wrong when visualized.

Sometimes, incorrect box sizes will be accompanied by Annihilation of the first spin contaminate: in the LICHM_GaussForce_0.log file.

However, there is a chance that the physical size of the box is correct, but for some reason the system is not centered within the box. This can be addressed by using TINKER’s xyzedit on the original TINKER xyz and selecting the Translate Center of Mass to the Origin option. Then, reconvert the TINKER xyz to the LICHEM xyz.

If you’re working with an AMBER system, you can do this using the center command in cpptraj, before writing out the specific frames. The command uses and atom mask (you typically select what isn’t solvent or counterions).

center :1-455 origin mass

You can also use MDAnalysis to translate the center of mass to the origin.

import MDAnalysis as mda

pdb = "my_system.pdb"
out_pdb = "my_centered_system.pdb"

system = mda.Universe(pdb)

## Translate all the atoms to the origin
new = system.atoms.translate(-system.select_atoms('all').center_of_mass())

## Writes out the PDB with COM at origin

Each of these ways will vary slightly in their significant figures for the coordinates, and thus impact the final energies. Therefore, be consistent with what you use!

Connection Through Boundary

If you’re trying to use the side chains of two residues that are next to each other, then you may get the following message:

Error: Two pseudo-bonds are connected through boundary atoms!!! The connections prevent LICHEM from correctly updating the charges.

Like the message says, LICHEM complains about two pseudobonds being connected by boundary atoms. So, consider including the entirety of those two residues and cutting the backbone halfway on each side.


The BASIS file that is read by Gaussian is numbered using the QM_atoms and Pseudobond_atoms starting with 1. If you have used an number in both the QM and pseudobond atom lists in the regions.inp file, or you have written a basis set incorrectly, you will likely get this error in your Gaussian output:

The center is too long.

Using a VMD-generated XYZ

If you’ve used VMD to save a starting XYZ for LICHEM (a true XYZ, not a Tinker XYZ), then there will be a default line written under the number of atoms.

 generated by VMD
 N         2.990000       39.410000       20.542000

Having that line (even if it’s blank) will result in an error with Name of the center is too long being printed to the Gaussian output file.

If the error persists, remove the extra whitespace at the beginning of each line using sed.

$ sed ’s/^ *//‘ >