CAVER is a software tool for analyzing tunnels in biomolecular structures.
There are several tools: (a) CAVER, a command-line tool; (b) CAVER Analyst, a GUI; and (c) a CAVER PyMOL plugin.
CAVER (Command-Line)
The command-line version requires an input file, described on the
next page. Once the input file is generated,
you can run it using a script, like
## Set program location (can be in .bashrc instead)
export CAVER="/home/$USER/bin/caver_3.0/caver"
## Areas of red conservation
## 601 is metal center
## 603 is cofactor
listVar=(601 603)
## Backup your original config file
cp config.txt config-start.txt
for RESNUM in "${listVar[@]}"
## Use double quotes so the shell can substitute variables
## Replace the full line with "starting_point_residue $RESNUM"
sed "22c\starting_point_residue $RESNUM" config-start.txt > config.txt
## Run the Caver program
java -Xmx10000m -cp $CAVER/lib -jar $CAVER/caver.jar -home $CAVER -pdb ./ -conf ./config.txt -out ./caver_output_res$RESNUM
## Copy the config file used to the output folder
cp config.txt ./caver_output_res$RESNUM/
Part of what this script does is modify the input file (config.txt
) to
account for residues that the user specifies under listVar
. It does this
by accessing the 22nd line and replacing what is there with a new residue
number via starting_point_residue $RESNUM
. After modifying the file and
resaving it, the program is run. The program output files are then saved to a
newly generated subfolder, named using the specified residue number.
portion of the sed command, based on its new
line number.CAVER Analyst
Once a structure is loaded in (File → Open Structure
follow Tunnel → Computation
. From there you can enter all
of the criteria for a tunnel search.

Under Known binding sites
, a specific residue or atom can be given
using the PDB’s residue or atom number. It is suggested that you use a cofactor
or inhibitor for this criterion.
PyMOL plugin
PyMOL is a molecular visualization software. To use PyMOL for academic research, you need to purchase a license. More information on that is available on their website.
Once both PyMOL and the plugin are installed, you can use CAVER interactively. The information from the command-line input file becomes fill-in-the-blank boxes.