Gaussian input files have the file extension .gjf
or .com
Jobs will read in data from a checkpoint (.chk
) file, or write to new file.
Logfiles (.log
) contain all the information about the job, and
whether it failed or ran successfully.
Warning: A successful run does not mean correct run.
Check your data! If it doesn’t make chemical sense, question it!
Water Example
Here is what a basic input for water would look like.
% chk=water.chk
# opt freq geom b3lyp/6-31+g(d,p) geom=connectivity integral=ultrafine scf=maxcyc=1024
0 1
O 1.80172602 0.06746038 0.00000000
H 2.76172599 0.06770148 0.00000000
H 1.48149872 0.97247667 0.00000000
This input, with explanatory comments marked with ###
%mem=32MB ### system resources (both % words or %words OK)
% chk=water.chk ### specifies the checkpoint file to write
# opt freq geom b3lyp/6-31+g(d,p) geom=connectivity integral=ultrafine scf=maxcyc=1024 ### Job specifics–NO ENTER KEY
### I am a required blank line
water ### Titlecard: this line is required
### I am a required blank line
0 1 ### Charge, spin multiplicity
O 1.80172602 0.06746038 0.00000000
H 2.76172599 0.06770148 0.00000000
H 1.48149872 0.97247667 0.00000000
### I am a required blank line
Calculate → Gaussian Calculation Set-Up

Job Type
- Energy: Calculates the energy and wavefunction at a single, fixed geometry
- Optimization: Attempts to find the structure’s minimum energy configuration
- Frequency: Gives thermochemical properties of the structure
- Opt + Freq: Performs both optimization and frequency
- IRC: Asks to follow a reaction path by integrating the intrinsic reaction coordinate
- Scan: Scans the potential energy surface by performing single-point energy calculations
- Stability: Checks stability by determining if imaginary (negative) frequencies exist (Yes? That’s bad, unless a transition state.)
- NMR: Predicts NMR shielding tensors
- Method: the “school of thought” for the wavefunction
- Basis set: contains all the functions that represent the wavefunction
- Higher-order basis sets are often more accurate, but at a higher computational/time cost
- Diffuse functions (ex: +, ++) describe very electronegative atoms
- Polarization functions (ex: d, p) allow for angular flexibility (i.e., reduces the strain from lots of electrons)
- Charge: overall charge of the structure
- Spin: pairing of the electrons
- Singlet: All electrons paired
- Multiplicity = Number of unpaired electrons + 1

- Implicit: Solvent is a polarizable continuum with dielectric constant,
- Not terribly costly
- Cannot model specific interactions, like hydrogen bonds
- Magician waving a wand there’s some magic happening, but you can’t see it
- Explicit: Want a solvent? Build it in. Put it there.
- Expensive…
- Can get stuff like hydrogen bonds
- As magician’s apprentice, you see all the things going into the “magic”