The wall command can be used to write a message to every Terminal window currently open on a computer, including your own. This type of thing would be useful if you wanted to warn people about an impending shut down, but it can also be a fun way to mess with your coworkers (though, I may have a warped sense of fun…). The ability to send a message is brought up with wall, and the message is sent using Cntrl+D (note: on a Mac it is indeed Cntrl and NOT command). This allows you to use enter to break up information into paragraphs if you so wish.

kevin@raphael$ wall

I thought it\'d be fun to send myself a message via Terminal, because I\'m ridiculous. So here I go.


Lyk this iff u cri evertim

Broadcast Message from kevin@raphael                                 
        (pts/7) at 20:34 CST...                                         

I thought it\'d be fun to send myself a message via Terminal, because I\'m ridiculous. So here I go.                                                           

WHY AM I LIKE THIS?                                                            

Lyk this iff u cri evertim                                                      

my_mac_computer:~ Owner$

The first iteration is what I sent, and the Broadcast Message is the message that everyone received (because I received a copy when I sent it). It includes who sent it (kevin@raphael) and which Terminal it was sent from (pts/7).