The most common queue manager is Portable Batch System (PBS). It was created by NASA, and many clusters use it for scheduling. A complete guide to using the PBS queue manager can be found in the PBS Professional® User’s Guide.

CPU Run Scripts

Run scripts, or jobfiles, contain all the necessary information to run a job. An example is the script (thanks, Alice!).

#PBS -q my_cpu_alloc              ## queue allocation
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=20,mem=20GB   ## 20 processors
#PBS -j oe                        ## same output and error file
#PBS -r n                         ## Job not re-runnable
#PBS -o err.error                 ## name of error file
#PBS -N WT_protein                ## name of job for queue


module load amber/19-mvapich2

while [ $f -lt 11 ]; do

mpirun -np 20 -hostfile $PWD/PBS_NODEFILE $AMBERHOME/bin/pmemd.MPI -O -i mdin.$f \
-o WT_protein_system_wat_init$f.out \
-p WT_protein_system_wat.prmtop \
-c WT_protein_system_wat_init$e.rst \
-r WT_protein_system_wat_init$f.rst \
-x WT_protein_system_wat_init$f.mdcrd \
-ref WT_protein_system_wat_init$e.rst


The very first line specifies that it is a bash script (feel free to read more about that on WikiBooks). The next line specifies where the job should be run on the cluster (using CPUs). The #PBS -N line is the job tagline to appear in the queue. The module load line tells the cluster to locate the shared location for the cluster’s program. In this case, instead of a local installation of AMBER18 in an individual’s home directory, the entire cluster can use the installed AMBER18. The list of available modules can be checked through the module avail command. Finally, the final lines specify that you want the script to run 10 times, with structures 1-10, based on the appropriate .mdin file. If you wanted to change that to structures 3-10, then the e=0 line would become e=2, and the f=1 line would become f=3. To actually run this script, you would need an appropriately named .prmtop and an init0.rst file. This file is just the original .inpcrd copied with a new name, since both are AMBER7 restart files.

The next example is of a Gaussian 16 run script (thanks, Mark!).

#PBS -N My_Gauss_Job                ## name of job for queue
#PBS -j oe                          ## same output and error file
#PBS -o error.err                   ## name of error file
#PBS -q my_cpu_alloc                ## queue allocation
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=20,mem=20GB     ## 20 processors
#PBS -r n                           ## Job not re-runnable
#PBS -m abe                         ## Mail on abort, begin, error

## Go to the place you submit the job from

## input is the name of your job input without the file extension
## and ext is the file extension
## so this job is for test.gjf
## Old versions would resemble

PbsId=`echo ${PBS_JOBID} | cut -d "." -f1`

## Change following line to where you are at
cp $PBS_O_WORKDIR/$input.$ext $ScrDir
cd $ScrDir

## Gaussian 09 (uncomment if wanted)
#export g09root=/share/apps/GAUSSIAN/g09d01
#source $g09root/g09/bsd/g09.profile

## Gaussian 16 (comment if unwanted)
export g16root=/share/apps/GAUSSIAN/g16a03
source $g16root/g16/bsd/g16.profile

## Run the job
#time g09 < $input.$ext > $input.log
time g16 < $input.$ext > $input.log

## Bring the log file, checkpoint, and wavefunction files
## back to the place you submitted the job from
cp -r $ScrDir/$input.log $PBS_O_WORKDIR
cp -r $ScrDir/$input.chk $PBS_O_WORKDIR
#cp -r $ScrDir/$input.wfn $PBS_O_WORKDIR

exit 0

In this example, your input file is copied to the scratch directory to run the job, and when the job is completed, the output files are returned to your home directory. This is done so that the calculations are not run on the head (login) node, thereby saving you from being yelled at and receiving a temporary cluster ban. To modify this script, change the input and export lines to match the file name of the Gaussian input (either .com or .gjf), which can be generated in Gaussview or Avogadro.

The following is an example of an R script.

#PBS -N R-test                  ## name of job for queue
#PBS -q my_cpu_alloc            ## name of job for queue
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1,mem=20GB  ## 20 processors
#PBS -j oe                      ## same output and error file
#PBS -r n                       ## Job not re-runnable
#PBS -o R.error                 ## name of error file

## Go to the place you submit the job from

## Path to R packages
export R_LIBS=/share/apps/R/3.6.0/pkgs

## Load the module
module load R/3.6.0

## Run the R script
Rscript name_of_actual_R_script.R

GPU Run Script

There are not many differences between a script to run on GPUs versus CPUs, other than specifying the actual location to run. The following is an example of the AMBER script to run on GPUs (thanks again, Alice!).

#PBS -q my_gpu_alloc       ## queue allocation
#PBS -l nodes=n11-12-13    ## use this GPU node
#PBS -j oe                 ## same output and error file
#PBS -r n                  ## Job not re-runnable
#PBS -o err.error          ## name of error file
#PBS -N WT_protein         ## name of job for queue



#module load amber/19-cuda_mvapich2
module load amber/19-cuda_serial


while [ $f -lt 201 ]; do

#nohup mpirun --bind-to none -np 4 \
#-hostfile $PWD/PBS_NODEFILE
$AMBERHOME/bin/pmemd.cuda -O -i mdin.11 \
-o WT_protein_system_wat_md$f.out \
-p WT_protein_system_wat.prmtop \
-c WT_protein_system_wat_md$e.rst \
-r WT_protein_system_wat_md$f.rst \
-x WT_protein_system_wat_md$f.mdcrd \
-ref WT_protein_system_wat_md$e.rst


Like before, this script specifies a loop, to create MD files 1-200. If you wanted to add a maximum job time of 12 hours (a requirement for some supercomputers), then add the line

#PBS -l walltime=11:59:59

to your input file, after the other #PBS -l line. The reason why you shouldn’t specify 12:00:00 for your run time is that the queue sorts by the time limits, and this will place priority on your jobs. An important thing to note in this script is that you specify the node (#PBS -l nodes=) and the core (export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=) that you want to run on, which can be verified through nvidia-smi. This example uses core 3 on node n11-12-13.

Parallel GPU Run Script

This script makes a few changes to the above GPU script, which allows it to use more than one GPU.

#PBS -q my_gpu_alloc
#PBS -l nodes=n11-12-13
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -r n
#PBS -o err.error
#PBS -N WT_protein

## Use pairs like 0,1 | 2,3 | 4,5 | 6,7


module load amber/18-cuda_mvapich2

while [ $f -lt 501 ]; do

mpirun -np 2 -hostfile $PWD/PBS_NODEFILE \
$AMBERHOME/bin/pmemd.cuda.MPI -O -i mdin.35 \
-o WT_protein_system_wat_md$f.out \
-p WT_protein_system_wat.prmtop \
-c WT_protein_system_wat_md$e.rst \
-r WT_protein_system_wat_md$f.rst \
-x WT_protein_system_wat_md$f.mdcrd \
-ref WT_protein_system_wat_md$e.rst

In the script, cards 0 and 1 on node n11-12-13 are specified with CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1. The cards are linked together in pairs, which is why you cannot run on 1 and 2. Acceptable pairs include 0,1, 2,3, 4,5, and 6,7. The other changes add message passing interface (MPI) information so the GPUs can communicate.

R Script PBS Submission

R is a programming language often used for data processing and statistics. Because our simulation analysis generate text files for single runs, it can be helpful to average them across replicates, and R is a great choice for this purpose.

On many clusters, several packages have been installed for all users, meaning that they do not need to be locally installed. To run R and access these packages, you need to first create a ~/.Renviron file with something like the following line:


As this is a hidden file that’s sourced by the module, you only need to make it once.

While most scripts with R are pretty simplistic, scripts that average huge trajectories or perform a lot of math take up valuable computer memory. Some packages also have a lot of overhead can also slow down a cluster for other users. Thus, these types of things (e.g., things that run with the tidyverse package or EDA averaging scripts) should be submitted through the queue using a script like:

#PBS -q my_cpu_alloc
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1,mem=20GB
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -r n
#PBS -o R.error
#PBS -N R-test


module load R/3.6.0

Rscript name_of_actual_R_script.R


Submitting jobs is done with the qsub command. To submit a jobfile named jobfile, the command would simply be:

$ qsub jobfile

The jobfile has a string of information for running the job, and must include the #!/bin/bash line at the start.

Dependent submissions, i.e. job B needs the output from job A but job A isn’t finished and you want to submit job B right now going to sleep, can also be accomplished. To create a dependent job, first submit the first job with a normal qsub jobfile. That job will return a job ID (which can be checked through qstat), which you’ll need to submit the dependent job. The dependency submission would follow:

$ qsub -W depend=afterok:12345 jobfile

where 12345 is the job ID of job A and jobfile is the jobfile of job B.

If you need to run a job interactively (i.e. there are some command prompts you need to respond to within the job), then use

$ qsub -I -q my_cpu_alloc

which will allow you access a specific node. To leave interactive mode when the job is finished, use exit.


If you want to see what jobs you have running or waiting to run (queued jobs), then use qstat. Using qstat alone will show the jobs status for every single user within the PBS manager. To check the queue for a specific job, then you would need to do something like

$ qstat 1323523

where 1323523 is the job number that was given when the job was submitted. Alternatively, to show just what you, a specific user, euid123, are running, use qstat -u euid123. The -n flag will give information about the specific computer node that your simulation is running on. Thus, your command could become qstat -u euid123 -n. This is a very good command to create an alias for.


Sometimes you scream out in horror when you realize that you shouldn’t have submitted a job yet, or it’s taking too long and you’d rather just kill it. On PBS systems, this can be done with qdel. Again, the job number will need to be added, so that it’s practically look like:

$ qdel 1323523

where 1323523 is the job number that was given when the job was submitted.


The qalter command lets you modify some attributes of a submission without outright cancelling it. This can be really helpful if you want to modify the name of the job that appears in the queue after submitting it. For example, if you copied a script but wanted to change the replicate number for the queue, you could use:

$ qalter 1323523 -N WT.Prot.R2

where 1323523 is the job number that was given when the job was submitted and the -N flag specifies that the name argument should be modified.