The du command allows you to check how much storage space is available on the computer. There are two flags that make du much more managable: -h (for human-readable) and -s for summary. Human-readable format translates the number of bytes into bigger sizes (like KB, MB, GB, TB, etc.). Summary totals the amount of space for a folder. Running without the summary will provide individual file sizes.

\begin{lstlisting}[style=P1] [euid123@talon3 ~]$ du 4 ./.mozilla/plugins 4 ./.mozilla/extensions 12 ./.mozilla 4 ./.nv/ComputeCache 8 ./.nv 8 ./.ssh 52777464 ./A/A/A 52777468 ./A/A/B 4267968 ./A/B 50819328 ./A/D/A 52509684 ./A/D/B 50339308 ./A/D/C —-MORE—– 379862560 . [euid123@cruntch3 ~]$ du -h 4.0K ./.mozilla/plugins 4.0K ./.mozilla/extensions 12K ./.mozilla 4.0K ./.nv/ComputeCache 8.0K ./.nv 8.0K ./.ssh 51G ./A/A/A 51G ./A/A/B 4.1G ./A/B 49G ./A/D/A 51G ./A/D/B 49G ./A/D/C —-MORE—– 363G . [euid123@talon3 ~]$ du -sh 363G \end{lstlisting}