Filling Matrices

To make a 4x5 matrix filled with zeroes, it would look like:

> matrix(0, 4, 5)
	[,1]	[,2]	[,3]	[,4]	[,5]
[1,]	0	0	0	0	0
[2,]	0	0	0	0	0
[3,]	0	0	0	0	0
[4,]	0	0	0	0	0

If you wanted to have a matrix with values specified, store those values as a vector first. The following example specifies a vector, a, as a sequence from 1 to 20, and then stores it as a matrix.

> a <- 1:20
> matrix(a, 4, 5)
	[,1]	[,2]	[,3]	[,4]	[,5]
[1,]	1	5	9	13	17
[2,]	2	6	10	14	18
[3,]	3	7	11	15	19
[4,]	4	8	12	16	20

Determinants and Eigen-stuff

The determinant can be taken on a matrix. If the variable has been defined, but not yet placed in a matrix, both steps must be done at once.

> a<-1:25
> det(matrix(a,5,5))
[1] 0

The eigen function (I know, I’m laughing too) computes both eigenvalues and eigenvectors. If the matrix is symmetric, then include symmetric=TRUE to skip the symmetry check.

> eigen(matrix(a,5,5))
eigen() decomposition
[1]  6.864208e+01+0.000000e+00i -3.642081e+00+0.000000e+00i
[3]  4.257350e-15+0.000000e+00i -1.270981e-16+4.588876e-16i
[5] -1.270981e-16-4.588876e-16i

             [,1]           [,2]           [,3]                  [,4]
[1,] 0.3800509+0i -0.76703416+0i  0.54621260+0i  0.1175132+0.0459634i
[2,] 0.4124552+0i -0.48590617+0i -0.27228461+0i  0.4017692+0.0065072i
[3,] 0.4448594+0i -0.20477817+0i -0.66418830+0i -0.7435988+0.0000000i
[4,] 0.4772637+0i  0.07634982+0i -0.03961996+0i -0.1881630-0.2033750i
[5,] 0.5096680+0i  0.35747782+0i  0.42988027+0i  0.4124793+0.1509044i
[1,]  0.1175132-0.0459634i
[2,]  0.4017692-0.0065072i
[3,] -0.7435988+0.0000000i
[4,] -0.1881630+0.2033750i
[5,]  0.4124793-0.1509044i

Matrix Multiplication

For element-wise multiplication, simply use the A*B format. To multiply matrices, you would use the %*% symbol. The outer product (AB’) can be obtained using the %o% symbol.

> a <- 1:20
> b <- 21:40
> matrix(a, 4, 5)
	[,1]	[,2]	[,3]	[,4]	[,5]
[1,]	1	5	9	13	17
[2,]	2	6	10	14	18
[3,]	3	7	11	15	19
[4,]	4	8	12	16	20
> matrix(b, 5, 4)
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,]   21   26   31   36
[2,]   22   27   32   37
[3,]   23   28   33   38
[4,]   24   29   34   39
[5,]   25   30   35   40
> a%*%b
[1,] 7070

Other Matrix Operations

Different formats are given, where A and B are matrices, and k is a scalar.

Table: Formats for Matrices

Command Function
t(A) transpose
crossprod(A,B) A’B
crossprod(A) A’A
solve(A) Inverse of A (if A is a square matrix)
solve(A, b) Returns x vector in b = Ax equation
diag(A) Vector with elements of principal diagonal
diag(K) Creates the k x k identity matrix
rowMeans(A) Vector of row means
rowSums(A) Vector of row sums
columnMeans(A) Vector of column means
columnSums(A) Vector of column sums
rowbind(A,B,...) Combines matrices or vectors vertically, returning a matrix
cbind(A,B,...) Combines matrices or vectors horizontally, returning a matrix

Writing Information to a File

Data, usually matrix data, are written to a file using the write command. In it, the original data vector is specified, then the file name, and then the delimiter. Tabs are specified through \t, but other separators can be used if placed in the quotes.

> write(mydata, "mydata.txt", sep="\t")

Files can also be written using write.csv() and write.table().