This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

LICHEM with Tinker and Gaussian

This tutorial was designed to be a wholistic example, from RCSB structure to QSM calculations, of performing QM/MM through LICHEM.


It is expected that you have a basic understanding of Python3 before using the tools in this tutorial. Previous experience with TINKER is a plus.


Setup Download files required for the lesson
00:00 1. Introduction What is LICHEM?
What is QM/MM? (FIXME)
00:15 2. Structure Preparation How do I make a structure biologically relevant?
Do I need to add hydrogens?
Where do parameters come from?
How do I add ions and solvate a system?
02:15 3. Molecular Dynamics and Clustering How do I perform a molecular dynamics simulation with AMBER?
What are some of the different approaches to clustering?
How do I cluster a simulation based on specific criteria?
How do I do subclustering?
04:15 4. QM/MM Structure Preparation How is a Tinker XYZ file different from a regular XYZ file?
How do I convert a PDB file to a Tinker XYZ file?
How do I write a Gaussian BASIS file?
How do I use LICHEM for a single point energy calculation?
06:15 5. DFP Optimizations and Strategies for Building a Suitable Product ???
07:15 6. QSM: The Quantum String Method ???
08:15 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.