Emmett M. Leddin
PhD | Computational Biochemistry

February 2024 (preprint)
Effects of the Y432S Cancer-Associated Variant on the Reaction Mechanism of Human DNA Polymerase κ

December 2023
Computational drug discovery of an inhibitor of APOBEC3B as a treatment for epithelial cancers

December 2022
Population-based analysis of POT1 variants in a cutaneous melanoma case–control cohort

August 2022
The impact of inflammation-induced tumor plasticity during myeloid transformation

May 2022
Computational Compensatory Mutation Discovery Approach: Predicting a PARP1 Variant Rescue Mutation

April 2022
Impact of Remdesivir Incorporation along the Primer Strand on SARS-CoV-2 RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase

June 2021
Combining Evolutionary Conservation and Quantum Topological Analyses To Determine Quantum Mechanics Subsystems for Biomolecular Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics Simulations

October 2019
Comparison of DNA and RNA Substrate Effects on TET2 Structure

November 2018
Selectivity and Promiscuity in TET-mediated oxidation of 5-methylcytosine in DNA and RNA

July 2018
Characterization of Nine Cancer-Associated Variants in Human DNA Polymerase kappa
Anticipated May 2026
Current MS2
May 2022
Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry
Concentration in Physical Chemistry
Computational Modeling of Cancer-Related Mutations
in DNA Repair Enzymes Using Molecular Dynamics and
Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics
May 2017
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (ACS Certified)
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
GitHub Projects
Computational Chemistry Website

My website with guides for getting started with UNIX, AMBER, simulation analysis, and R.
Research Scripts

Different run and analysis scripts as described on the Computational Chemistry Website.

Scripts to convert between PDB to XYZ files, without using the existing TINKER programs for conversion.
Vim Cpptraj

Syntax highlighting for cpptraj
in vim
VSCode Cpptraj

Syntax highlighting for cpptraj
in Visual Studio Code.
Atom Cpptraj

Syntax highlighting for cpptraj
in the Atom text editor.
THRIVE Lifeline Resource Table

A table rendered using the DT
package for RMarkdown.
THRIVE Lifeline Resource App

An R Shiny app to render a CSV.
LICHEM Tutorial
A tutorial for performing quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) simulations with LICHEM.
OpenMM and MDAnalysis Tutorial
A tutorial for setting up and analyzing molecular dynamics simulations with Python.
Website Maintained
THRIVE Lifeline

An RMarkdown-based site for THRIVE Lifeline, a text-based crisis hotline staffed by people in STEMM with marginalized identities.
Real-World Issue Challenge

First place
2021 oSTEM Hackathon Project with the Spoopy team to address the issue of college campus inaccessibility.
Crisis Resources Challenge

Third place
2020 oSTEM Hackathon Project with the Queers in Crisis team to modify the presentation of the
oSTEM website's crisis resources.
Voter Literacy App Challenge

First place
2019 oSTEM Hackathon Project with the Non-Conformist Narwhal team to create a phone app of voter resources for
LGBT Detroit.
If the PDF doesn't load, you can access it through my CV GitHub repository.